Sunlight Centre - Crisis Counselling

How we are reacting to a Pandemic

By: Ken Loftus, Clinical Director at The Sunlight Centre NFP Ltd.

First off... you should be feeling weird and a little off! No matter what was happening before we realised there was a pandemic in our World, those relevant feelings and thoughts are still there in your psyche. Now on top of that we all have this underlying concern about COVID-19.

It is like running an obstacle race along a beach. As well as your normal every day obstacles you encounter you also now have to deal with a constant wave lapping at your lovely shoes. Your every day thoughts and feelings are present but now there is a foundation of worry to add to them. You may have been going through a difficult time and still are, with your own personal life and adding this ocean beside you is not helping with the emotional flooding you might already had.

Let's break it down a little more from the view of Trauma. When a person goes through a trauma their body goes into Alert. It means their sympathetic system is activated and the entire body wants to do something. There is a huge amount of pent up energy wanting to either Fight or Flee (the fight and flight response). And on top of that we are being asked to stay home, to do a lot less then our routine says so, and don't we love routine?

Being asked to do less, to break routine, may increase the worry and the alert phase in the body. One may feel trapped, overwhelmed and unsure what to do. Well, join the gang! This is an unprecedented situation and the governing bodies around us are, believe it or not, trying their best, as we all are, from parents to professionals.

The build up of energy, adrenaline and urges to do something is normal in an abnormal situation. To help this we need to release this energy – through movement and creation. Have you set up a home type gym? Are you taking advantage of a short walk? Try art and music as a way to release this energy too. When is the last time you baked a cake from scratch or used a brand new recipe?

We are also being asked to self-isolate. As we are very tribal creatures this phrase alone might cause worry. Many mental health issues arise from issues with our tribe: Do people hate me? Think I'm an idiot? Am I alone?

Once again normal feelings in an abnormal situation. We need to connect with another creature, from a family member in our home to a pet, from a video chat to a childhood friend to a group chat with friends, family and work colleagues. Also remember to hug yourself from time to time!

For the Parents

It is OK to not know what you're doing!! As we said, this is an abnormal time. No one currently on this planet has dealt with a world wide pandemic. We are all looking at others for support and some will be looking at you, as the parent to know what's going on!

It is OK to gently tell your family that you are unsure what to do, while at the same time reassure them you can get through it together.

Keep up to date with Facts and NOT opinions! Really monitor what the World Health Organisation (WHO) is informing the public and what your local / national government is informing the public. The news stations / websites and papers dramatise and catastrophise and swing a few heavy words in their reporting which can raise worry and anxiety.

For the Teens

You will find this challenging. Your instincts will talk of immortality, that you can not be affected by COVID-19 and you need to get out to your peers. You are more than your instincts. This is a time to raise your hand and ask "What can I do to help?" We don't mean the dishes! Although that might be nice for the people in your home, but how can you help your family / community / country.

Really this is a time your actions can help your country. If you can fight those instincts, stay home and just wait until we're given the all clear, you will help people's health and wealth as there is a knock on economical affect.

Listen to your body, mind and instincts. Use breathing exercises, mindfulness moments and the pointers above and we can come through the other side of this stronger and more resilient!